The cast of Les Miserables at the newly renovated ... , Theatre Critic 16 January 2020 • 11:00pm. It's all just a normal day until a stolen lion cub threatens to turn 2018 into 2005 all over again. "The world’s longest running musical returns to the West End in spectacular fashion" - Read the full review. Les Misérables is screening in Adelaide at Palace Nova Prospect. There are two veterans of the detail: Gwada (Djebril Zonga), who grew up in the area, is bilingual (French and Berber), and is able to diffuse tensions, and Chris (Alexis Manenti), Gwada's polar opposite, a white Frenchman whose theory of policing is simple: "Never sorry. Building on his César-nominated 2017 short film, Ly’s feature debut (which follows several acclaimed web documentaries) paints an admirably uncliched portrait of banlieue life, as vibrant and diverse as that of Céline Sciamma’s Girlhood. Hotels near Les Miserables London: (0.05 km) China Town and Soho Apartments (0.05 km) My Apartments Piccadilly Circus (0.06 km) The Soho Mandeville (0.08 km) The Piccadilly London West End (0.16 km) Ham Yard Hotel; View all hotels near Les Miserables London on Tripadvisor The tension waxes and wanes, ... Movie Review – Blithe Spirit (2020) First-look preview of DC’s Man-Bat #1 Director Ladj Ly's "Les Miserables" is not a contemporary, retelling of Victor Hugo's classic. If anything, the situation is even more damaged and polarized. Les Misérables: Review. 04 Sep 2020 It takes grosses boules of steel for a French film to name itself after perhaps the most famous work in the country’s literary pantheon. 1,569 Views. It's their country, too. An Executive Producer Recommends Three Films to Watch for Black History Month: Passing, A Most Beautiful Thing and Mr. Ladj Ly's "Les Misérables" is haunted by the memory of the fall of 2005, when riots broke out in the suburbs of Paris (and other cities), riots which raged for three terrible weeks. As "Les Misérables" unfolds, these same kids, living in a housing project in Montfermeil, are targeted by the police for what is, essentially, a prank, and events will come to an uncontrollable boil, egged on by the racist commando-style of the police, and the general unrest and paranoia already simmering in the area. Book and music by Claude-Michel Schönberg. Audience Reviews for Les Misérables: Series 1. The arrival of a travelling circus (“Gypsies, never a good sign”) and the theft of a lion cub bring an air of carnivalesque chaos, with little Issa (the remarkable Issa Perica) being thrown into the lion’s den – literally. 4 Min Read. But that harmony soon dissipates as our young antiheroes return to Montfermeil, the Paris district immortalised in Hugo’s 1862 novel. Nominated for best international feature at the 92nd Oscars (it lost out to. PRODUCTION: A Rialto Distribution release of a Srab Films production. Montfermeil, famously, is where Victor Hugo placed the Thenardier's inn in his 1862 magnum opus: Chris jokes that "Gavroche" would now be "Gavrochah," meaning Muslim, presumably. By Jan Moir for the Daily Mail. January 15, 2020. His colleagues, dubbed “the two biggest clowns” by the night patrol, are Gwada (Djebril Zonga) and Chris (Alexis Manenti, the film’s co-writer), who describes himself as “100% swine” and who “goes overboard sometimes” in policing “the brutality of the world”. With Dominic West, David Oyelowo, Adeel Akhtar, David Bradley. Producers: Toufik Ayadi, Christophe Barral. The team has trouble controlling the unruly teenagers. The subject is heated enough, it needs no over-heating. The cops make it perfectly clear in their behavior that the people outside their car windows are not really "French" to them. A film by Ladj Ly. A cop from the provinces moves to Paris to join the Anti-Crime Brigade of Montfermeil, discovering an underworld where the tensions between the different groups mark the rhythm. As a slice of life, Les Misérables is satisfying enough, but as the film wears on, the movie goes beyond the slice of life. The circus "gypsies" show up en masse demanding the return of their circus lion, and the confrontation is so violent the cops can barely contain it. All of these alliances shift and transform, depending on the context. Out on patrol, Stéphane learns of the warring factions who vie for control of these streets; from “the Mayor” (“our very own Obama”) to the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood (“a thug who grew a beard”), all equally reviled by Chris who behaves like a tin-pot bad lieutenant, harassing teenage girls and bullying young boys. With Damien Bonnard, Alexis Manenti, Djebril Zonga, Issa Perica. "—is a situation completely blown out of proportion, and in the high-adrenaline atmosphere of hyped-up cops and furious teenagers, anything can happen, and anything does. Read full review Ly uses a documentary style, but maintains control over extremely complicated chase sequences and fight sequences. Ladj Ly’s Les Misérables is an explosive, engrossing debut. Ruiz is a newbie, whose main experience has been as a first responder (this experience will come into play later), and learning the ropes is not easy. Set against a backdrop of post-Napoleonic France as … We open in a moment of ironic harmony, as tricolour-clad revellers celebrate France’s 2018 World Cup victory, with the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe glittering in the background. Book Les Misérables tickets here Nothing more needs to said. "Ever since 2005..." one character says. Wednesday, 22 January 2020. Last modified on Thu 26 Mar 2020 08.26 EDT. Les Misérables plays at the Sondheim Theatre currently booking through to October 2020. Les Misérables is one of the most potent films you are likely to see this year. Ly tosses you into the middle of the crowd, pressing in on all sides in seething exhilaration and unity of purpose. Friday September 04 2020, 12.01am, The Times. It is a powerful movie that is not afraid of looking ugly, and therein lies what makes it unique. Who "gets to" think of themselves as "French"? Always right." This review originally ran on January 10th and is being re-run because it's now on Amazon Prime. Ladj Ly on shocking President Macron with his Paris riot film: 'How could he not know?'. Ladj Ly's Oscar-nominated Les Misérables (2019) and Bertrand Bonello's Zombi Child (2020) take very different paths to arrive at similar conclusions, and yet they make for a fascinating double feature if for no other reason than to study how the differences in their perspectives lead them to different places, even if their ultimate thematic content isn't all that dissimilar. Yet Les Misérables gets away with it. Les Misérables is a movie that demands your attention. Les Misérables - Review Sondheim Theatre, London **** Concept, book and original French lyrics by Alain Boublil. What is at stake is issues of citizenship, which really means issues of belonging. It doesn’t help that the team’s leader is a jerk. The opening scenes, where the kids celebrate the World Cup in front of the Eiffel Tower, linger and haunt, increasingly painful in memory. Les Misérables review – a simmering tale of two cities. Starring Damien Bonnard, Alexis Manenti, Djebril Zonga, Issa Perica & … As Les Misérables begins, the camera follows a group of kids celebrating the French team’s victory in the 2018 world cup. The potential of violence trembles in every interaction, but Ly doesn't pump things up artificially. Review – ‘Les Misérables’ Reviewed online (screener provided by publicist), August 21, 2020. he ghosts of Victor Hugo’s downtrodden 19th-century rebels haunt Ladj Ly’s César-winning contemporary urban drama, a streetwise tale of France’s dispossessed masses, brought once again to the brink of rebellion. I have watched Boublil and Schönberg's adaptation of Victor Hugo on three occasions in the theatre and once when it became a Hollywood movie. Directed by Laurence Connor and James Powell. On this one very long day, they have a new guy with them, Corporal Ruiz (Damien Bonnard), whom they nickname "Greaser" because of his slicked back hair. LES MISÉRABLES (2020) is a modern-day French crime drama set in the poverty-stricken, crime-ridden Paris suburb from Victor Hugo’s original book. Soul. Les Misérables is in cinemas everywhere from Friday, September 4th. The series was produced by the BBC with support from PBS member station WGBH Boston's Masterpiece series. Ultimately a police procedural, the story often feels familiar, but strong performances from complex characters will hold your attention through the film’s intense final act. On VoD on Monday, December 7th. This is a three-dimensional portrait of a community, its striations of authority, the wary alliances made, the backdoor deals, the wheeling and dealing between unlikely allies. "Les Misérables" is a gripping experience, tense and upsetting, showing how seemingly small events, perhaps manageable in the particulars, can balloon into something out of control, like a fire exploding into a conflagration. “It hasn’t changed much,” observes Stéphane Ruiz (Damien Bonnard), a street-crime cop newly transferred from Cherbourg. Thursday, 5 November 2020. REVIEW: Les Miserables: The Staged Concert, CD & DVD In a time when COVID-19 didn’t exist, and we had no idea of the chaos coming our way, the West End was host to the behemoth concert version of the world’s longest running musical, Les Miserables. There are only bad cultivators.”. Television adaptation of Victor Hugo's classic novel, which follows Jean Valjean as he evades capture by the unyielding Inspector Javert. ... November 27, 2020. Les Misérables is a British television six episodes series based on the 1862 French historical novel of the same name by Victor Hugo.Adapted by Andrew Davies and directed by Tom Shankland, it stars Dominic West, David Oyelowo, and Lily Collins.. Les Misérables review — the most incendiary French crime film since La Haine. The remarkable Issa Perica, centre, heads the young cast of Les Misérables. The Times - 3/5 "Overlong and clunky, but there was much to admire in the performances" - Read the full review. Ladj Ly’s César-winning drama explores life on a poor Paris estate as tensions with the police reach boiling point, The ghosts of Victor Hugo’s downtrodden 19th-century rebels haunt Ladj Ly’s César-winning contemporary urban drama, a streetwise tale of France’s dispossessed masses, brought once again to the brink of rebellion. This sequence is a prologue, unconnected to the events that follow, at least in terms of plot, but crucial in establishing the concerns and themes of the film. ... Movie Review: Les Miserables (2020) 2 Comments. Everyone understands. Directed by Ladj Ly. A dream come true! A pulsing electro score by French music project Pink Noise adds sparse yet atmospheric accompaniment, with simple looping riffs building tension in key scenes, while more elegiac cues emphasise the strange melancholic beauty of the drama. Ladj Ly's "Les Misérables" is haunted by the memory of the fall of 2005, when riots broke out in the suburbs of Paris (and other cities), riots which raged for three terrible weeks. It’s a world in which Ly grew up, and his love of these neighbourhoods, in all their hardscrabble glory, is tangible. Kevin Maher. 30th November 2020 (UK Blu-Ray Release) Synopsis Inspired by the 2005 Paris riots, and Ladj Ly’s short film of the same name, Les Misérables is a hugely topical provocative insight into the tensions between neighbourhood residents and police. Who "gets to" belong? Taking care never to paint its complex characters in simple black-and-white strokes, this slips stealthily from astute observation to urgent action, reminding us of Hugo’s maxim that “there are no such things as bad plants or bad men. Les Misérables Film Review (2020) Score . Les Misérables is a curious, compelling exercise in unusual pacing. Chris is a live wire, Gwada more calm, while Ruiz just learns the lay of the land. As Salah (Almamy Kanouté) ominously warns: “You won’t avoid their rage.”. By Alif Majeed. Nominated for best international feature at the 92nd Oscars (it lost out to Parasite), it presents a powder-keg portrait of broiling tensions, recalling both the pressure-cooker structure of Spike Lee’s Do the Right Thing and even-handed vérité grit of David Simon’s monumental TV series The Wire. January 15, 2020. Films like Les Misérables can help bridge empathy to these worlds – here, without sacrificing entertainment value. JAN MOIR at Les Miserables as it returns to its natural home – on stage. But first, Ly shows the kids joining in the celebration for France. “Les Misérables” is hardly alone in patrolling the zone of the disenchanted. I struggle to recall a more arresting image than that of Issa, bruised and bloodied, bursting into tears in the midst of a harrowing ordeal, only to rise again like a silent wraith in the third act, which plays like an inverted social-realist revisiting of Gareth Evans’s 2011 Indonesian action movie The Raid. What is at stake in "Les Misérables" is not just a stolen lion cub, or even the fate of this one neighborhood. Ladj Ly’s debut feature, Les Misérables, is ripped from personal experience and set on the infamous housing estate “les Bosquets”. Read her answers to our Movie Love Questionnaire here. One added layer of complication is that the confrontation is caught on the drone camera, operated by a solitary kid on the roof. Les Misérables review ... Fri 17 Jan 2020 07.17 EST. Lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer. Les Misérables review. It’s that sense of beauty – of the possibility of redemption – that prevents Les Misérables from being crushed by the grim weight of the world it depicts. Slow moving but engaging, Les Misérables is a well-crafted modern take on Victor Hugo’s classic novel. "Les Misérables" then shifts its focus to a small police team, patrolling the streets of the suburb of Montfermeil, with its mainly North African population. Peter Feldman petersdfeldman_. The comparison with "Do the Right Thing" is apt (the condensed timeline, the multi-character story, the "inciting event" of police violence followed by justifiable outrage), and Ly juggles multiple balls deftly. I love the story from the novel and the musical as well. In 2010, far-right politician Marine Le Pen commented on the plan to close off the streets in a Paris neighborhood to make room for Muslim prayers, referring to it as an "occupation," like in wartime: "There are of course no tanks, there are no soldiers, but it is nevertheless an occupation and it weighs heavily on local residents." There are interactions throughout the day with civilians, some good-natured, some hostile. Les Misérables follows three Parisian police officers. Les Miserables follows in the steps of La Haine, ... Posted 26 Aug August 2020 Wed Wednesday 26 Aug August 2020 at 7:01pm, updated 27 Aug August 2020 Thu Thursday 27 Aug August 2020 … As they swim, scram, and jump in joy through a swarm of people to their way to the Champs-Élysées, … Rialto Distribution will bring ‘Les Misérables’ to Australian cinemas 27 August. Summary: Les Misérables is a symbolic and gritty interpretation of the classic film with a twist of modernity! Look forward to Ladj Ly telling more tales of life in the margins of Paris. It follows the professional baptism of fire experienced by hair gel addict rookie cop Stéphane (Damien Bonnard) who, on his first day, escapes the clutches of death a … Sep 29, 2020. They drape themselves in the French flag, join in the singing of "La Marseillaise," and are shown celebrating in epic shots backgrounded by familiar Paris landmarks, the Arc de Triomphe, the Eiffel Tower. "Les Misérables" takes place in 2018, but "2005" is never far from anyone's consciousness. ... Sun 6 Sep 2020 03.00 EDT. Ruiz, a policeman from a rural district, joins the two-man team patrolling the neighborhood. Bradley Jaden and Jon Robyns: The mostly North African immigrant population in these suburbs were protesting the constant police harassment as well as the tragic death of two kids, electrocuted while hiding from the police in a substation. Published: 17:01 EST, 6 December 2020 | Updated: 12:45 EST, 7 … The opening scenes take place during the World Cup celebrations in 2018, showing a group of kids joining the giant crowds cheering on the streets of Paris, after jumping turnstiles to get there. What could be handled with a simple command to the teenage perpetrator—"Hey, kid, just return the lion, okay? A cross between The Wire, Do the Right Thing and Training Day, Les Misérables is brilliantly paced, unbearably tense and a reminder that there are so many great actors who go under the radar. Ladj Ly’s indignant drama is an uncomfortably timely portrayal of urban violence and warring factions in a rough Paris suburb Damien Bonnard 4.5 Symbolic and Gritty. In stark contrast to the monochrome hues of Mathieu Kassovitz’s still-influential 1995 masterpiece La Haine, Les Misérables is shot in vivid colour by cinematographer Julien Poupard, whose cameras snake in and out of the action, with long takes (elegantly edited by Flora Volpelière) immersing us in this tangibly real world. Les Misérables did win Best Feature at the 2020 Cesars and the Jury Prize at Cannes, and was an Oscar nominee for Best International Feature Film this year. Follow. as Brigadier Stéphane Ruiz, dit Pento, Sundance 2021: All Light, Everywhere, Users, Rebel Hearts, Bring Your Own Brigade. The remarkable Issa Perica, centre, heads the young cast of Les Misérables. Sheila O'Malley received a BFA in Theatre from the University of Rhode Island and a Master's in Acting from the Actors Studio MFA Program. There are many players on the board, and the narrative leaps around, from the kids seen in the opening, to the cops, to the Mayor, to the Muslim Brotherhood (who try to keep the kids under control at the mosque), to an "ex-thug" (so-called) who has turned himself into the spiritual leader, the "go-to guy" of the area. Feb 3, 2020. Les Miserables movie review: This Damien Bonnard starrer is part police procedural, part socio-political commentary. It steers in the direction of drama and consequences, as the story narrows, and pressures come to a boil. This review originally ran on January 10th and is being re-run because it's now on Amazon Prime. Meanwhile, a drone camera piloted by a young peeping tom (played by the director’s son Al-Hassan Ly) offers a god’s eye view of unfolding events, capturing an act of shocking violence that threatens the precarious stability of the neighbourhood. There are people who have seen Les Misérables hundreds of times in its 35-year lifetime. Nothing has been solved or addressed. There’s little sense of artifice, as young stars such as Issa Perica lend gripping veracity to scenes that might otherwise have seemed contrived or overwrought. Rating: MA15+ Running time: 103 min. The BBC with support from PBS member station WGBH Boston 's Masterpiece series at stake issues. 2 Comments of a Srab Films production Ladj Ly ’ s leader is a symbolic and interpretation... Therein lies what makes it unique on shocking President Macron with his Paris riot film: 'How could not... Begins, the situation is even more damaged and polarized the margins of Paris as our young antiheroes to! More calm, while Ruiz just learns the lay of the disenchanted live,. 1862 novel joins the two-man team patrolling the zone of the crowd pressing... 2020 • 11:00pm Les Misérables is a powerful movie that demands your attention musical as well moving! And unity of purpose t changed much, ” observes Stéphane Ruiz ( Damien Bonnard Alexis! 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