2018,,, 214-347. Int. Antibacterial Effect of Aqueous and Alcohol Extracts of Spondias mombin, and Alchornea cordifolia - Two Local Antimicrobial Remedies. The trees grow best in fertile, well-drained soils but … Spondias mombin (family: Anacardaceae) is a fruit producing tree commonly found in India, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Brazil and those of other tropical regions. Iweala and Oludare, also reported the hypoglycemic effects, as well as the biochemical and histological changes of the ethanolic extract of Spondias mombin in alloxan-induced diabetic rats . Plant-Microbe Interactions and Secondary Metabolites with Antibacterial, Antifungal and Antiviral Properties. "Changes in organ and body weight, serum amylase and antidiabetic effects of tannins from Spondias mombin on streptozotocin-induced diabetic … & Engl. Studies on the antimicrobial effects of Spondias mombin and Baphia nittida on dental caries organism. "Effects of Spondias mombin leaf extract on the cytoarchitecture of the cerebal cortex and on learning and memory in wistar rats." The rats were divided into five groups A- E (n=5). and Mangifera indica L.) on α-Amylase and α-Glucosidase. Jürgen Reichling. Lactogenic effects of the leaf’s powder of Spondias mombin L. on West African Dwarf (WAD) sheep performance and serum prolactin level in Republic of Benin Twenty four (24) dairy ewes at the 4th stage of lactation were used to assess the milk production and serum prolactin level of ewes treated with leaf’s powder of Spondias mombin. Thirty Wistar rats were randomized into 6 groups. Also, you can take it to SUPPORT treatment of any sickness, disease or infection. Methods: Thirty … This species, among several others, has sometimes called the "wild (or forest) mango" in other languages and was once placed in the genus Mangifera.. Spondias pinnata is found in lowlands and hill forests up to 1,200 m (3,900 ft). DOI: 10.3390/antiox7060073. DISCUSSION The seeds ofSpondias mombin germinate whenever the plumule emerges from above the soil (hypogenous germination) as confirmed by Roshetko [25]. ResultsToxicity effect with Spondias mombin fruit juice was not observed in Wistar rats as abnormal behaviour and death was not recorded in the acute toxicity study. However, each of these drugs confers simpler to severe side effects, prompting a search for non-toxic, easily accessible and affordable antiulcer medication , . Spondias mombin Linn (Anacardiaceae) is an edible plant that is ethnopharmacologically used for induction of labour, expulsion of afterbirth, and stabilization of women after childbirth. Spondias mombin, a common and widespread Neotropical tree, appears to be such a plant. Spondias pseudomyrobalanus Tussac. COA MIXTURE (Formerly COA FS) has duly been registered by the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA), Ghana as a medicine for general wellbeing. Investigation on the phytotherapy of medicinal plants that are highly valued and widely used in the traditional systems of medicine might provide efficient formulation for better management. (1985). The acetyl cholinesterase (AChE) and butyryl cholinesterase … In this study, we evaluated the effects of air-dried Spondias mombin leaves extracted with aqueous, methanol and ethanol solvents on hexobarbital-induced sleeping time and novelty-induced rearing (NIR) behaviours in mice and rats. effects of the seven treatments on the germination rates of the seeds in each replicate. The aim is study is to investigate the effect of on the anterior pituitary cells and hormones. We also studied the effect of the extracts on amphetamine- and apomorphine-induced stereotyped and picrotoxin-induced convulsive … seeds of Spondias mombin possess hypoglycaemic effects in alloxan-induced diabetic rats, while Nkanu et al.14 have shown that the leaves of S. mombin produce hypoglycaemic and hypolipidemic effects in alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Turnera subulata and Spondias mombin × Spondias tuberosa are widely used in the Brazil Inhibitory Effects of Solvent-Partitioned Fractions of Two Nigerian Herbs (Spondias mombin Linn. It is traditionally used as diuretic, febrifuge and for the treatment of various stomach ailments. Group A … DOI: … This study is to evaluate the acute toxic effect of mombin in adult male Wistar rats. This study was aimed at evaluating the hematinic effect of Spondias mombin and its protective role against the spleenotoxic effect of Phenylhydrazine (PHZ). 67-72. Hematinic effects of Spondias mombin and its protective role against the spleenotoxic effect of phenylhydrazine Silvanus Olu Innih1, Sylvia Oghogho Omage2 and Kingsley Omage3* Abstract Background: This study was aimed at evaluating the hematinic effect of Spondias mombin and its protective role against the spleenotoxic effect of Phenylhydrazine (PHZ). Wistar rats were pretreated with esomeprazole (reference drug) at a dose of 20mg/kg body weight, S. mombin or F. exas-perata at 100 and … Medicinal plants have been used in primary healthcare since the earliest days of humankind. This effect was reported in a study investigating the toxicological effects of Spondias mombin in adult male Wistar rats [55]. Turnera subulata and Spondias mombin × Spondias tuberosa are widely used in the Brazilian Northeast to treat several diseases. It is used in several countries of the world to treat various ailments including infectious diseases. The tree was introduced by the Portuguese in South Asia in the beginning of the 17th century. & Thonn. Antioxidants 2018, 7 (6) , 73. Ethanolic leaf extract of Spondias mombin induced a significant (P<0.05) increase in erythrocyte count, haemoglobin concentration and packed cell volume of experimental animals. BELOW ARE INGREDIENTS … Spondias lucida Salisb. 2013; 2 (9) Hypoglycemic & Anti-Diabetic Actions: Nkeiruka, E., et al. and Mangifera indica L.) on -Amylase and -Glucosidase Oluwafemi Adeleke Ojo 1,2,* ID, Adeola Agnes Afon 1, Adebola Busola Ojo 3 ID, Basiru Olaitan Ajiboye 1 ID, Babatunji Emmanuel Oyinloye 1,4 ID and Abidemi Paul Kappo 4 ID 1 Phytomedicine, Biomedical Toxicology and Diabetes … Group A received water, Group B water, Groups C and D received SML at 500 and 1000 mg/ kg bw, respectively, Groups E and F received SMS 500 and … Spondias mombin is relied on for various herbal remedies for numerous conditions. This study attempted to elucidate the neurotransmitter systems involved in the neurophysiological properties of ethanolic extract, fractions and pure isolates of Spondias mombin leaves in mice (n = 6) after intraperitoneal (i.p.) The several side effects (arrhythmias, impotence, haemorrhoids and inflamed muco Correspondence: Agbaje Esther Oluwatoyin Department of Pharmacology, Therapeutics and Toxicology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria Email: Estheragbaje01[at]gmail.com Study of aqueous leaf extracts of Spondias mombin … Spondias mombin and Ficus exasperata … Spondias aurantiaca Schum. The experiments were performed using standard and … However, each of these drugs confers simpler to severe side effects, prompting a search for non-toxic, easily accessible, and affordable antiulcer medication (Akah et al., 1998; Hawkins & Hanks, 2000). They will grow in warm subtropical areas where no frost occurs, or which experience only occasional light frosts. Key Words; Spondias mombin, Neurological, Sedative, Antipsychotic, Antiepileptic, ... 1983); but this healing effect could not be confirmed by Vellegas et al (1997). 2, pp. It is commonly called as ‘Hog plum’ or ‘Yellow mombin’. 23, No. Groups 2 and 3 were treated with 400mgkg-1 and 800mgkg-1 of … Acute toxicity test was carried out with modified Lorke’s method. Spondias brasiliensis Mart. It has been naturalized in parts of Africa, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, The Bahamas, … Asuquo, O., et al. The aim of this study was to evaluate the genotoxic effects of the leaf extracts of these species by the somatic mutation and recombination test in the somatic cells of Drosophila melanogaster wings. Investigation on the phytotherapy of medicinal plants that are highly … Cultivation in Florida is limited to the warm southern coastal areas. Methods: 42 rats were equally divided into seven groups of six animals each. Group 1 served as control and received vehicle. Group A (Control) animals were neither given the extract nor PHZ. Author information: (1)Department of Applied Microbiology, Faculty of Applied and Natural Sciences, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State, Nigeria. Ripe fruits Photograph by: Andres Hernandez S. Ripe fruits Photograph by: Andres Hernandez S. Large cultivated tree in Hawaii … In this paper I describe the short-term fate of the seeds in its nuts (endocarps) after they have been dispersed by a multiple-species disperser coterie in a mosaic of semi-deciduous forest and abandoned pasture in the Pacific coastal lowlands of Costa Rica. The antimicrobial effect of cold water, … Ulceration was induced by a single oral admin-istration of indomethacin (30mg/kg body weight). Twenty-five male rats weighing between 120-180g were used for the sub-chronic study. Abstract: Spondias mombin has been used in traditional medicine for the management of sev-activity of the methanol extract of the leaves and its derived fractions, as well as carry out detailed phytochemical investigations leading to the isolation and characterization of bioactive compounds from the plant. The result obtained collaborates with the use of the plant locally as a … The Spondias species are best adapted to the hot, lowland tropics, although the red mombin may be found up to an elevation of around 1800 m (6000 ft.). Decrease in weight loss was observed in the positive control group of rats while there was weight gain in the negative control and crude juice treated group of rats (figure 1).Significant increase (P<0.05) in … Amadi ES(1), Oyeka A, Onyeagba RA, Okoli I, Ugbogu OC. The liver enzymes were not significantly altered. COA MIXTURE (Formerly COA FS) is a herbal medicine for General Wellbeing, hence you can take it whether you are sick or not. Effect of Interaction of Methanol Leaf Extract of Spondias mombin (Linn) and Amoxicillin on Some Diarrheagenic Escherichia coli Anthony A Adegoke1,2*, Olayinka A Aiyegoro3 and Thor A Stenstrom1 1Institute of Water and Wastewater Technology, Durban University of Technology, PO Box 1334, Durban 4001, South Africa, 2Department of Microbiology, University of Uyo, Uyo, … Effects of Spondias mombin and Aspilia africana Aqueous Extracts on Rats with Monosodium Glutamate-Induced Leiomyoma P. E. Eze-Steven1*, S. C. Udedi 2, C. M. Ude1 1Applied Biochemistry Department, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu State, Nigeria 2Applied Biochemistry Department, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria … My goal is a descriptive … Yellow mombin is an elegant, deciduous tree with a dense, spreading crown; it can reach an eventual height of 25 metres, though 10 - 15 metres is more likely. Daniel (1990) reports the several uses of the plant based on oral communication and not on any recorded scientific investigation. route of administration.The crude ethanolic extract of Spondian mombin leaves was fractionated using the partitioning method … The effects of ethanol extract of the leaf of S. mombin on hepatic, renal and haematologic function indices of albino rabbits were studied using standard methods. Therefore, Spondias mombin seeds express hypogeal germination type. Common Name: Yellow Mombin. Inhibitory Effects of Solvent-Partitioned Fractions of Two Nigerian Herbs (Spondias mombin Linn. antioxidant effects of Spondias mombin leaf (SML) and Spondias mombin stem (SMS) methanolic extracts in a rat model of hepatotoxicity. Rats in groups B and C were administered 150 mg/kg body weight and 300 mg/kg body weight … It is native to the tropical Americas, including the West Indies. Spondias mombin, also known as yellow mombin or hog plum is a species of tree and flowering plant in the family Anacardiaceae. Spondias lutea L. Spondias myrobalanus L. Spondias nigrescens Pittier. J. Sci. Infusion of its leaves has been used since long time, without any report of collateral effects… Spondias pinnata is a species of tree first described by Carl Linnaeus the Younger.It is in the family Anacardiaceae. Spondias mombin is a fructiferous tree used for medicinal purposes and is relied on for its contraceptive and abortifacient properties. Serum liver enzymes were also analyzed for possible side effects. This finding can be related to … Spondias mombin; Environmental isolates; Agar well diffusion Introduction The plant Spondias mombin (Linn) also called yellow mombin in English, Igongo/Ichankla in Idoma, and Uchakuru in Igbo, is common in the forest and savanna regions of Nigeria. Res. International Journal of Crude Drug Research: Vol. tive effects of aqueous leaf extracts of Spondias mombin and Ficus exasperata against indomethacin-induced gastric ulcer in rats. 3 equally into three groups 1, 2 and 3. Pelandjuaic acid, ellagitannins, caffeoyl esters, and anacardic acid are reported to be present in S. mombim [ 13 , 14 , 15 ]. Serum liver enzymes were also analyzed for possible side effects Lorke ’ s method therefore Spondias! Been used in several countries of the world to treat various ailments including diseases. Ficus exasperata against indomethacin-induced gastric ulcer in rats. between 120-180g were used for the treatment any! Is relied on for various herbal Remedies for numerous conditions were used for the treatment any. Cerebal cortex and on learning and memory in wistar rats. the warm southern coastal areas adult male rats... Spondias aurantiaca Schum amadi ES ( 1 ), 73 Spondias aurantiaca Schum SUPPORT treatment of any sickness, or. 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