Surrender is the eradication of the ego. Having understood the general philosophical foundation of yoga, it’s time to get into the details. Learn more about the sutras and Patanjali, the sage who wrote them. “Yoga is merely the practice of restraining the mind from taking any sort of form.”. You see, we want external things. From a practical viewpoint, Bhagavadgita presents life comprehensively. Personal View: Trying Out The Wim Hof Method, How to Have a Conversation with a Vegetarian, Gardening Can Interest People of All Ages Not Only Retired People, The Keto vs. Plant-Based Diet Showdown at the NIH. The majority of practitioners and teachers seem to agree that yoga teaching feels more authentic when taught in Sanskrit, the language of yoga. That we are not the body but the conscious observer sitting behind the body and mind. Practicing yoga helps build healthy virtues and good values, such as discipline, honesty, devotion, self-inquiry, mindfulness, and non-attachment. It is just happening. This is the experience worth of all the effort. I’ll see you in our next post! The same can be said for the amount of meditation time within my North Providence Restorative Yoga classes. We stop multitasking to then focus on only one task. These states can take years and years of practice or can happen spontaneously. It calms us, it empowers us, it is liberating. Best Weight Loss Retreats in the World, that work! In a deeper level, these structures and methods are describing our own personal mindset. Yoga Philosophy for Beginners | Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Because by knowing these yoga sutras and implementing them into our lives, we can kick-start this awakening process much more than if we were just doing yoga, at a studio, to meet people. Samkhya Yoga for Beginners: What Soul Knows, What Mind Does. East and West. In a beginners yoga retreat, we have included some simple & medium level of yoga asanas, breathing techniques, yoga techniques, basic pranayama, body stretching, mantras chanting, and much more. Because yoga at its core is a method of realizing oneness with reality. The body houses the Atman, all of reality playing the game called consciousness. As Patanjali calls, there are eight limbs of yoga. For most aspiring yoga teachers, a teacher training could be their first exposure to the philosophy of yoga and the fundamentals of yoga theory. Yoga has always been transmitted as a tradition, that is, teacher-disciple. In this second episode of our Begin Again series, we talk about what keeps us motivated to practice when yoga is feeling stagnant and Jason offers useful tips for teachers who are faced with the difficult (but rewarding!) Hatha yoga philosophy tasked the practitioner to be disciplined and humble, willing to surrender to higher thoughts than those of everyday. In this second episode of our Begin Again series, we talk about what keeps us motivated to practice when yoga is feeling stagnant and Jason offers useful tips for teachers who are faced with the difficult (but rewarding!) Niyama. These are values which great people showed as being important trough their own historical actions. There is just oneness, and quantum physics proved what ancient Brahmas already knew long before. This is one of the hardest ones to do because it means reverting back from what we used to take so much of love with, and pleasures with. But this is the closest of source we can get. It is beyond all these definitions. This is the essence of flowing and filling the body with life energy, and oxygen, and everything else there is in the air. Yoga Philosophy was founded to provide support for those interested in Yoga Philosophy. I recommend studying yoga sutras after Bhagavadgita. In this case, the philosophy portion of the  training may be focused only on that. And the physical portion of Yoga….only 3. Traditional sources are clear about one thing: Yoga is a practice, and if … In this episode, we have focused on Krishna’s first teachings from the Bhagavad Gita, and discussed: task of teaching yoga to beginners. There are practices for every taste and needs, the one I like most is the Breath of Fire, which gives me this instant feel of power and high energy. Dhyana is just the same, but we are sitting, and we are awake during the process. It is our true nature as human beings. Regularly attending temple or church services, saying grace before meals, developing your own personal meditation practices, or making a habit of taking contemplative walks alone are all examples of niyamas in practice. Niyamas are practiced in order to better understand the self. What deeper concepts should you learn in your Yoga practice? Here we explore both concepts to conclude our exploration of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. But when we hold this space we come to the eight limb, which is merging with reality. If you feel strongly about a book that should be included here, do drop me a note. So after these self-restraints start identifying within, getting into the second limb, which is called Niyamas. through the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. These are the psychical forms the body can take a pose in, and move into to represent and come into a union with itself and the external. Recognizing more and more that the body is a tool and not who we permanently are. These eight modes can all be done separately, but usually, are meant to be done together to attain moksha (emancipation). Why study Yoga Philosophy. Yoga teachers differ on how a great deal Yogic philosophy they will teach inside a standard class. That powerful and transcendental feeling you once had when an insight clicked, is now present for your own access. It is beyond the ego and beyond our minds. In this second episode of our Begin Again series, we talk about what keeps us motivated to practice when yoga is feeling stagnant and Jason offers useful tips for teachers who are faced with the difficult (but rewarding!) How important is it to acknowledge the ancient wisdom intertwined into the yogic lifestyle? What is Yoga Alliance Registration - All you need to know, How to Choose The Right Yoga Teacher Training Program, Best 200 hour Yoga Teacher Trainings in India, Understanding the New Moon and Its Effects On You. This is due to the western media and how we illustrate it to be online, as just stretching or spiritually being here with the practice. We have to learn to cultivate that bliss, awareness, and joy within our heart space. Yamas are the ethical code regarding treatment of others, hatha yoga philosophy asked for truthfulness, integrity, generosity and moderation. Trying to Lose Weight? Nine CDs and one DVD of Ram’s works have been released so far, with a book on its way. This is not about being proud of making it, but rather, recognizing the muscles and tools that we are using to move and stay in a specific position. This means to reevaluate how much you rely on your happiness on being external, and see if you can start to cultivate it through the next practice: In this space, the mind sweeps itself from focusing on multiple things to only one. Letting things be as they are is the puppeteer of our own practice. Yoga empowers you to make conscious choices toward living a more healthy and fulfilling life. This is realized through experiential observation, and it’s the part where it cannot be explained. Here are my thoughts as to which standard topics and texts should be covered on a 200-hour program which is the first stage of education for all of us. By Ram Vakkalanka   June 2, 2020 02:00 am. For beginners these can be challenging to wrap their head around, being deep, vast and immersive. Have you heard of Yoga? It is beyond all these definitions. Just like the Asanas is learning and understanding of the body, the Pranayama is learning and understanding of the breath. Many great thinkers and great souls such as Mahatma Gandhi, Henry David Thoreau and Nicola Tesla were influenced by Bhagavadgita. The last two limbs of the Yogic Path are Dhyana and Samadhi. Yoga Philosophy for Beginners. Does yoga help sexually? This is coming into the understanding of the self, it’s the acceptance of our way of being. Through this positions, we start gaining clarity over concepts never grasped before. Episode 136: Yoga Philosophy for Beginners In this second episode of our Begin Again series, we talk about what keeps us motivated to practice when yoga is feeling stagnant and Jason offers useful tips for teachers who are faced with the difficult (but rewarding!) Bhagavadgita is one of the most influential yogic texts of all time. This reminds me that mindfulness in a sense is the second limb. This is why we must achieve all the previous ones, because we are training ourselves. Register Now » Are you interested in learning about yoga… The thing is that there is more than just one way seeing & doing this. This is a beautiful tool because it helps refresh our nervous system, it is said to extend our lifespan, and it really helps us get into this mindless space by just focusing in this one point on the breath. – A Sensual Yoga Experience, Yoga Handstand Tips – How to Balance On Your Palms. This is what prevents us from becoming lost. It is falling into this divine reality, reducing the path between the heart and the brain. Here are 3 pins for you. This is done by letting go of what harms us, and this means, physical pleasures most of the times. with Hali Schwartz. It deals with the important question of how to find your place in the world, while also staying focused on your spiritual growth. task of teaching yoga to beginners. It’s not saying to not do that at all, it’s just saying that if you want to start really making progress in life, we have to cut back on doing things that no longer serve us. Yoga philosophy for beginners . The five Koshas including the Nadis, Kundalini Energy and subtle energy centres of the body (Chakras) and Chakra balancing are the focus of study here. If you pursue what you seek, you will get it. Beginners can be easily overwhelmed by the vastness of the yoga practice, it’s philosophy, and it’s literature. Yoga Philosophy for Beginners | What is Dhyana & Samadhi? Listen to this episode from Yogaland Podcast on Spotify. As a yoga teacher, though, it hasn’t always been easy to figure out how to imbue my classes with, say, the wisdom of the Yoga Sutra. You have to eat the cake to taste for yourself. But yoga is much more than just physical postures, which is only a part of it. When we practice Dhyana, this focus, this isolation of the mind into a single point of focus, it occurs to us. 1. India vs Western yoga philosophy. ... Do not miss our podcast on the Samkhya Yoga/Philosophy. It’s by doing these positions that we start gaining an understanding of the body as a temporal vessel. Philosophy of Yoga. Yoga today is very different from early descriptions. Dhyana and Samadhi are the “rewards” of consistency. This is the state of flow, the Japanese mushin, or just conscious presence. In this series, we will focus on the 8 Limbs of Yoga. How we get into this spiritual zone in our daily lives comes to the tools that we use. Ten Key Fundamental Principles. Philosophically, it marks one of the important milestones in the evolution of yoga, and how yoga came to be perceived. Yoga also helps you: Keep your mind healthy and strong Ram’s writings are published in print and on-line and his talks are broadcast on Radio and TV. In this second episode of our Begin Again series, we talk about what keeps us motivated to practice when yoga is feeling stagnant and Jason offers useful tips for teachers who are faced with the diff… Some important Mantras to learn are the opening and closing chants (if any) of one’s tradition, Gayatri Mantra (the Mantra of universal light), and peace chants such as ’Saha Navavatu’. Most are not intended for beginners and half of the techniques they teach are almost impossible to learn and do, due to the difficulty and flexibility required. We cannot force Dhyana and Samadhi upon us, it happens through practice and time. Besides yoga postures and anatomy, philosophy forms one of the most important pieces of yoga certification. Are you searching for much more from your Yoga class than just a workout? We want to have copious amounts of sex, to enjoy drugs, to drink, to smoke, to play video games… This is understandable. Yoga Philosophy for Beginners from Yogaland Podcast on Podchaser, aired Tuesday, 15th January 2019. So, ideally Bhagavadgita first and yoga sutras second. The physical practice yet is just one of these many ways to grasp the whole picture. Although many of us like to imagine we know what yoga is, our mind usually comes directly to the wrong aspect of yoga when we think of it instinctively. Before Shyam’s work, the common view among academics was that there was no interesting practical philosophy in South Asia. Here we explore both concepts to conclude our exploration of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Another way to see this is our observances. Here are a few key principles that will help you understand better the numerous aspects of Yoga. Jun 16, 2019 - The last two limbs of the Yogic Path are Dhyana and Samadhi. He also talks about how to introduce philosophy to beginning students and how to motivate students to keep coming … Philosophy. Ram shares his deep knowledge of Sanskrit, Vedic sciences and philosophy, Nada Yoga, Kirtan and Meditation thru workshops, webinars, one-on-one sessions, lectures and talks as well as preservative media. Secondly, some of the principles taught in yoga sutras flow directly from Bhavadgita. Together we will also look at how to use your breathing to deeply connect to your body, to cleanse and energize and we will practice simple but effective meditation techniques that you can add to your day to day to shift negative … There are videos, lectures, books that go into much greater detail about this. There is an observer behind, but we are not controlling the sleep. This is why it can’t be explained what can occur. It’s important setting our parameters for thoughts and actions because it keeps us focused on our path, and make sure we don’t stray too far away. It is also good to get to know the life stories of some yogis, both ancient and modern in the process, as well as some influential yogic texts for further study. Yoga Philosophy for Beginners. The sutras are categorized to describe the paths of Bhakti Yoga (Devotion), Karma Yoga (Service) Jnana Yoga (Wisdom) and Hatha Yoga (Physical) and Ashtanga Yoga (8 Faceted path). They are more states of mind that can be achieved with ardent work through the other 6 limbs. Just like trying to explain how good a chocolate cake is, it cannot happen using words. For me, as a practitioner, yoga philosophy and asana go together like peanut butter and jelly—the philosophy takes me deeper into the asana and the deeper I go, the more I embody the philosophy. Xoxo, Candy. Kirtan and Mantra chanting events are on the rise, and studying a little about Mantras and Bhakti yoga brings in the necessary balance between the head and the heart. And there we have our top list of yoga books for beginners. Is a space of pure meditation, of thoughtlessness, is a simple way of being. It is beyond the ego and beyond our minds. These are things that occur to us, so by getting into the first six limbs, the seventh and eight limb come into fruition on their own. Yoga is over 5000 years old. It is becoming one with the reality, transcending the dual aspects of it and realizing that no “I” exists. Yoga certifications can be focused on specific philosophies, such as Kundalini, Tantra, Yoga Therapy or Sadhana. The Best Wellness Retreats in the World 2021. Of course you have! If you’d like to know more about Pranayama all you have to do is research and you will be met with copious amounts of wisdom on Pranayama. The fourth Limb is one that you might be familiar with. In this Yoga course we show you everything you need to know about Yoga. Yoga sutras is focused on spiritual practices, while Bhavadgita deals with life at large. Is the same space where we are asleep. In my Restorative Yoga classes, I teach much more Yogic philosophy than I do in a Vinyasa Yoga class. Toronto Yoga Conference and Show, Montreal Chant Festival, Global Mala Festival and Ananda Festival are some of the forums where audiences were enthralled by him. There are two main reasons for this; firstly, Bhagavadgita came before the yoga sutras. For beginners these can be challenging to wrap their head around, being deep, vast and immersive. We are not thinking of sleep. Because yoga at its core is a method of realizing oneness with reality. Yoga is a complex integrated system, which has a Yoga history of 5,000 or more years. Many people perceive yoga as part of Hinduism. It’s good to begin at the beginning (makes sense), and learn about the background of yoga. Narada Bhakti Sutras is a popular part of this topic. Is a Yoga Teacher Training Course really worth it? If we can start to accept it from within that our nature is love and detachment, we stop suffering because we are no longer attached to need. If we don’t set parameters for our practice, for what we do, for deciding the right and wrong, or what is pure and impure, following these practices will mean nothing. Yoga is a beautiful complex practice and to only know about 1 part, the Asana, is a shame. For most aspiring yoga teachers, a teacher training could be their first exposure to the philosophy of yoga and the fundamentals of yoga theory. To start with the general and then move to the particulars is the natural flow of things. Otherwise, happy reading. This is when change happens. This leads us to the fifth limb of the yoga sutras according to Patanjali, which is PRATYAHARA. There are so quite a few Yoga philosophy ideas, but here are 3 that will enable you shed several burdens in life. You’d Better Think About Sleep. By watching what we do and what we think we are being active in the process. By Deepti Kc June 3, 2020 August 25, 2020. On a Kundalini Yoga Retreat – What Really Happens? Ram travels in Canada, India, US, UK and Thailand, touching the lives of many people thru his teachings. Progress requires seeking within, not without. On another course, a teacher may explore a range of different philosophies, gaining an understanding of each. Wednesdays, July 8 – August 12 7 – 8:30pm 6 weeks – $180. Cake is, teacher-disciple niyama, the sage who wrote them will focus only. Focus, this focus, yoga philosophy for beginners isolation of the Yogic Path are Dhyana and Samadhi Dhyana Samadhi. ’ s the acceptance of our way of being begin at the (... The power to clean our attention from the mud-ish identity and you are left with nothing but awareness. On how a great deal Yogic philosophy they will teach inside a standard class emancipation ) and Patanjali the. 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